Friday, September 19, 2008

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Okay, so I could have also started with "In the beginning..." or "Once upon a time." 

Hello. Is this thing on? This is my first official jump into the blogosphere. My sister, Dorothy, churns out cool content for several blogs (I'll add those links later, somehow, whenever I figure out how to do it). And I read several blogs from time to time (dooce, onlikepopcorn, adrants, american copywriter). But this is me dipping my big toe into the big, ginormous web-content pool. A place for me to post updates on my forthcoming heart surgery, which could take place as early as October. 

ASIDE: Mom, if you're reading this, "blog" is short for weblog. Basically an online diary that's accessible by the entire world wide web. A "secret public journal," as comedian Mike Birbiglia might say. 

Anyways, since I'm going to be having surgery to fix my Mitral Valve Prolapse, I thought this would be a good place for friends and family, near and far, to find information. We (Dorothy, I think) came up with an old-fashioned way of doing this when my dad was in the hospital back in 2005. We would leave health updates on our answering machine so people calling would know the status. It seemed like a good idea and people seemed to appreciate it. HIPAA not withstanding. 

This is the intro post. I will post separate entries that detail the discovery of my murmur in December of 2007, my first visit with the cardiac surgeon (just three hours ago), and other new information/updates as I receive them. 

1 comment:

Perky Gramma Teaches said...

Resistance is futile...
Glad to see you are joining the blogshpere.
Love the name, I bet you came up with the thought and then said, "oh that sound's like a good name for a blog". lol.
I am feeding you.
Seriously, glad you're doing this. It will help with the updates. I was literally going to just call mom and check on updates. I'll still call.
Love you bro!
Sis (still the vicar of vibe)